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Welcome to Ventures Worldwide!  Learn "When to Hire an Executive Coach"


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Peaceful Productivity®
Executive Coaching

a proprietary coaching methodology developed by Virginia Williams, award-winning international Executive Coach and Mindfulness Mentor for top Business Leaders


Are you a...

  • top executive

  • woman in leadership

  • next generation leader

  • team manager


Any of these situations sound familiar?

  • ready to take the next career steps but not sure where to start

  • feeling overwhelmed amid growing uncertainty

  • need to expand your limits of energy, creativity, productivity

  • avoiding difficult conversations or strained relationships

  • preparing for a major career transition or challenge at work


Ready to learn how to
get more out of life with less effort and more joy?


Meet Virginia Williams,
award-winning international Executive Coach & Mindfulness Mentor for Top Business Leaders

Creator and provider of Peaceful Productivity® Executive CoachingAn experienced executive coach, former corporate executive, and entrepreneur, I am your thinking partner and learning catalyst.Executive coaching with me is a thought-provoking and cre…

Creator and provider of Peaceful Productivity® Executive Coaching

An experienced executive coach, former corporate executive, and entrepreneur, I am your thinking partner and learning catalyst.

Executive coaching with me is a thought-provoking and creative process that inspires you to take quality time for self-reflection, to sense what works and what doesn't, and to take action where it matters most.

You become more self-aware, discover your key strengths, align core values, and develop sustainable practices to maximize your personal and professional potential.

Read Virginia's full biography here

Working with me, you improve your quality of thinking, listening, sensing, relating, and learning - while being mindfully present and aware. 
With Peaceful Productivity® coaching, you move to the next level with healthier balance, greater agility, and higher productivity than you ever imagined possible.
— Virginia Williams, MBA. PCC, founder and Managing Director, Ventures Worldwide Sàrl

Organizations whose Leaders have entrusted me to serve them


see testimonials on Virginia's LinkedIn profile

- a Success Strategy to Unleash Motivation for Inspired Performance, Sustainable Results and Peace of Mind

- a Success Strategy to Unleash Motivation for Inspired Performance, Sustainable Results and Peace of Mind

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Peaceful Productivity® Executive Coaching

- activates self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and self-mastery
- aligns core values, identifies key strengths, uncovers blind spots
- opens perspectives to improve thinking, communication, and relationships
- unlocks creativity, clarity, and energy
-develops mindfulness, curiosity, and agility.

You gain balance, vital resilience, and get more done where and when it matters most!

Executive Coaching

- is a collaborative process designed for Top Business Leaders, Senior Executives, New and Experienced People Managers. 

- Clients say working with me enables them to achieve their most important goals with mindfulness, healthier balance, greater agility and, higher productivity than they ever imagined.

You learn to thrive in our turbulent, disruptive world of today and tomorrow!

100-day Fast Track for Executives

First impressions and first actions of any new employee are critical, and even more so when the individual is an executive or senior manager in a key business area.

This Executive Coaching and on-boarding program is designed to enable the newly placed executive to rapidly become effective and successful in the new environment.

Dynamic Woman Leader

The Dynamic Woman Leader coaching program accompanies women leaders and young professionals to expand competencies in areas of personal mastery, leadership, life balance, and influence.

Team Leadership & Learning Facilitation 

Peaceful Productivity® Executive Coaching helps team leaders and teams to become more collaborative and efficacious by optimizing the unique strengths and contributions of each individual.  Whether you are looking for a team building event, or ongoing team development, we offer several options to fit your needs.

 Gather Feedback
– 360° questionnaires, leadership and other assessments

The 360° process provides feedback to the leader that is based on the behaviors that others see. This allows the leader to understand how effective he or she is from the points of view of co-workers.

Self-awareness, hidden potential, and blind spots become apparent.

Partner with Virginia, an ICF certified professional coach (PCC), experienced, independent, confidential, your “sounding board” and thinking partner.

- a Success Strategy to Unleash Motivation for Inspired Performance, Sustainable Results and Peace of Mind

- a Success Strategy to Unleash Motivation for Inspired Performance, Sustainable Results and Peace of Mind


Peaceful Productivity® Executive Coaching

P.E.A.C.E. Coaching Process


P    Purpose

Define the purpose, focus, objectives and outcomes of the coaching engagement

E    Explore

Explore current context, identify core values, competencies, strengths, blind spots, and co-create your learning plan - your Personal Peace Plan™ (PPP™)

A    Anticipate

Activate your PPP™ learning plan, and practice between sessions to accelerate and deepen your learning

C    Consciously Reflect

With mindful awareness, take time regularly to reflect on your progress and align behaviors accordingly

E    Engage, Execute & Enjoy

Celebrate your accomplishments, your new mindset, and carry forward your practices and learning


Peaceful Productivity® Executive Coaching Modules for Integral Transformation

  • I. Personal Peace Plan

    • Deepening Self-Awareness and Self-Leadership

  • II. Purposeful Leadership Plan

    • Inspiring Teamwork and Shared Purpose

  • III. Legacy & Sustainability Plan

    • Purpose beyond Success

You are invited to explore the positive possibilities with Virginia and the Peaceful Productivity® P.E.A.C.E. process!

Virginia Williams, Executive Leadership Coach & Mindfulness Mentor for Top Business Leaders

Is it Time to Hire a Coach?

New opportunities to excel often arrive with unclear direction and limited resources, which can lead to difficult conversations, and confusion around how to make a positive difference

Recommended Reading

Recommended Reading

One of the major factors that detracts from productivity is behaving on “auto-pilot” in a distracted, reactive way.
- The "Current Situations"  impact productivity and peace of mind.
- The "Desired States" offer a more peacefully productive way to be.



Do you recognize any of these situations?

Current Situations

  • recently promoted or in a new job

  • spending too much time working

  • easily distracted, feeling stressed due to long-term overload

  • avoiding difficult conversations or triggering strained relationships

  • feeling less productive in cross-cultural complexities in a global matrix organization

Desired States

  • engage productively with your unique set of strengths and talents

  • better life balance and peace of mind

  • to be more focused, energized and motivated

  • to engage in personal relationships with ease, greater emotional intelligence and mindfulness

  • have capacity and awareness to take a step back with a broader, more global mindset.


In summary, my clients are already successful, and want to sustain themselves and others, despite ever-changing workplace demands, increasing ambiguity, disruption, and uncertainty about the future.